I love my job!



Written by Beverly A. Kahn, Founder/President, CEO of New Dimensions in Technology, Inc. (NDT)


I love my job! Having founded New Dimensions in Technology, Inc. in 1979, I have had both the privilege and opportunity to experience and share in the growth and innovation of the Massachusetts Technology scene in the areas of computer technology, software, networking, the internet, biotechnology, and now the AI Revolution.

In the 80’s, Massachusetts experienced a period of remarkable economic growth known as the “Massachusetts Miracle”, pioneered by several mini-computer companies (Digital Equipment Corporation, Data General, Prime Computer, and Wang Laboratories). Followed by workstation companies (Apollo, Computervision, Applicon). This era also included the rise of Software companies, with Lotus Development Corporation creating the spread -sheet Lotus 1-2-3. While the internet was still in its early-stage in the 80’s, Tim Berners-Lee, an MIT grad working at CERN, conceptualized the idea of a hyperlinked information system, which would later become the World Wide Web.

In the 90’s, we experienced the creation of many networking companies. Banking and investment institutions

(Fidelity, Bank of Boston, Fleet Bank) quickly embraced newly created technologies and hired many tech professionals who were abundant in the New England geography.

The AI Revolution appears to be the Tech Miracle of current day, with individuals, small business, enterprise and global leaders of diverse industries working to figure out how AI can save time, increase efficiencies, decrease costs and discover solutions and cures with more accuracy and speed than a human. 

I have had the privilege of attending recent Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (MassTLC) conferences dedicated to sharing knowledge about this new AI frontier. Senior thought leaders from some of the most successful Global Technology companies have discussed their thoughts on how to build/ integrate/ employ/ and monetize AI technologies. Judah Phillips, founder of Squark and the Boston Generative AI Meetup Group, Paul Baier, Executive Fellow @HBS and CEO of GAI Insights , and John Werner, Managing Director, Link Ventures have been dedicating their personal time, intellect, resources, partnerships, and networks to make sure that Boston will best be positioned to lead the way as an AI knowledge and talent bank.

My impression from attending these conferences and meetings is the roll-out of artificial intelligence (AI) is cautious and conservative in pace in Massachusetts. Hiring managers want people who have AI skills and or some familiarity and are willing to train and educate those who do not. Leaders today are challenged to plan and visualize how AI will enhance the productivity of their workers and add to their bottom line. They know that to be competitive AI must be implemented into their organizations. Early-career and Senior talent have the opportunity to benefit from all of the AI training opportunities available and should take full advantage of this exciting new and ongoing Technology Wave that continues to evolve by the day.                                                                       

We at NDT are fortunate to be part of this explosive AI revolution and partner with our extensive client base to provide Tech and tech-business talent ready for the ongoing learning required to best utilize the technology of today and tomorrow!  

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