Written by Risa Kahn, Senior Recruiting Manager of New Dimensions in Technology, Inc. (NDT)
Sharing Key Takeaways from an inspiring day of Exceptional women empowering women:
1. What Makes Us Human? Ethics, empathy, compassion, and the need for connection. We thrive as a social species with advanced communication through shared stories.
2. AI’s Transformative Power: AI can enhance personal and professional productivity, streamline content, and accelerate discoveries across industries.
3. Cross-Discipline Collaboration: AI opens doors for collaboration across fields, driving breakthroughs in areas like astrophysics, clinical social work, and human-tech interaction.
4. Growing Job Opportunities: Roles like Prompt Engineers and Computational Scientists are in high demand, with more AI-related positions emerging.
5. Inclusive Collaboration: Everyone—engineers, marketers, consumers, businesses, and governments—should have a seat at the table, fostering cross-collaboration and mutual recognition.
6. Human-AI Collaboration: With the right safeguards, cross-collaboration between humans and AI can benefit individuals, businesses, and society.